Monday, December 27, 2010
Weak current College】 【SAN special terminology details (1)】.
<br> ABTS (abort basic link service) <br> <br> ACC (link service to receive an answer): extended link service request (such as the FLOGI) normal answer, indicating that the request has been accepted. <br> .<br> Accessfairness (fair access): a process used to protect competition node to access the arbitrated loop. <br> <br> Accessmethod (access method): access to the physical network to transport data <br> <br> ACK ( .acknowledgement frame): used for end-to-end flow control, connection to Class-1 and Class-2 in one or more frames of receiving said confirmation <br> <br> Activecopper (active copper cables): allows the device to connect .between 33-metre distance from the copper cable connection <br> <br> Addressidentifier (address identifier): a 24-bit number that is used to indicate the communication equipment of link-layer address. Each data frame frame header two address identifiers used .to identify the source and destination ID ID. <br> <br> Aliasserver (alias server): a recommendation, FC-PH-3 component. It uses the well known addresses FFFFF8, and maintain an identifier mapping table to support multicast group management .. <br> <br> AL_PA (arbitrated loop physical address): an 8-bit value that identifies the access to the device in an arbitrated loop. <br> <br> AL_TIME (arbitrated loop timeout): in the worst conditions, .broadcast network, a time of two times the value. The default value is 15 milliseconds (ms). <br> <br> ANSI (American National Standards Institute): United States standard management bodies. <br> <br> ARB (arbitration .primitives): only for arbitrated loop topology, as node loop port (L_Port) fill characters transmission, indicates that the node can access to the loop. <br> <br> ArbitratedLoop (arbitrated loop): a share of 100Mbps fibre channel transmission link ., support to 126 devices and one to the schema of the access port, port of arbitrated loop physical address (AL_PA), the smaller the value, the higher its priority. <br> <br> Arbitration (arbitration): solution topology to shared .loops, reasonable distribution link resources. <br> <br> ARP (address resolution protocol): TCP / IP protocol is an integral part of the group, is used to convert the IP address of the Ethernet address (MAC address of the link- .layer). <br> <br> ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) <br> <br> ATM (asynchronous transfer mode): a fast packet switching technology that transmits over a LAN or Wan, the packet data has a fixed length. .It provides network connectivity between any two points, and each node can transfer data at the same time. <br> <br> Bandwidth (bandwidth): cable, the link or the system's ability to transfer data. <br> <br> BB_Credit .(buffer to buffer credit): used to determine a time can be sent to the recipient what frame data. <br> <br> Broadcast (radio): a packet sent to the schema in which all N_Port port <br> <br> .Bypasscircuitry (bypass circuit): when a valid signal loss in the transfer, the use of the circuit automatically bypass the signal path on a device. <br> <br> CAM (contents addressable memory) <br> <br> Campon recommended as .schema connection request queue optimization so that connection requests processed order more reasonable. <br> <br> Cascade (cascade): connect two or more fibre channel hub or switch to increase the number of ports or network coverage. Usually the highest number of 7 .-level together. But SilkWorm1000 switches cascade number can be up to 32, SilkWorm2000 switch $ 239. <br> <br> CDR (clock and data recovery circuit) <br> <br> CEConformitéEuropéenne. <br> <br> Channel ( .channel): point-to-point links, is used to move data from a network point to another point. <br> <br> CIM (General information): a management structure that allows the use of a common program to manage a variety .of disparate sources. <br> <br> Class1 a connection-oriented service level, you need to frame sent and received confirmation. <br> <br> Class2 a connectionless service levels, between frames N_Port port to send and receive to confirm. .<br> <br> Class3 a connectionless service levels without the need for N_Port port frames sent and received confirmation. <br> <br> Class4 a connection-oriented service level, allowing the use of virtual circuit portion of it. <br> .<br> Class6 connection-oriented multicast services. Mainly used for the Central Server and customer video broadcast. <br> <br> ClassF a connectionless service levels, to extend the port (E_Port) data is sent to notify the success or failure. .<br> <br> CLS (undo primitives): only for arbitrated loop, sent by a L_Port port to another port, used to close the L_Port existing connections, undo the dialogue. <br> <br> Community (community): Simple .Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent and the relationship between management stations, including the collection of authentication, access control and proxy feature definition. <br> <br> Controller (Controller): a computer on module is used to explain the mainComputer and peripheral .signals between, the controller is usually part of the peripherals. <br> <br> <br> <br>.
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