Saturday, January 29, 2011
Weak current College】 【interpretation of Chinese flat panel TV energy efficiency standard】.
<br> <br> Recently, confirmed our flat-panel TV energy efficiency standard will be December 2010 officially implemented on January 1, this means that there will be the subject of energy efficiency has not been affixed flat-panel TV will be listed. .In order to let users have on the imminent implementation of energy efficiency standards have a clue, I am happy today, it is a simple resolution. <br> <br> · China's latest release of the flat panel television limited values of energy efficiency rating .of standard <br> <br> China's latest GB24850-2010 the flat panel television limited values of energy efficiency rating for the part of the terms of the mandatory national standards, national development and Reform Commission resource conservation and environmental protection division and the standards Council .of proposing an industrial standard, the national energy Foundation and centralized management Standardization Technical Committee, the main leading, National Institute of standardization production enterprises and institutions to participate in the formulation. <br> <br> The flat panel television limited values of energy efficiency .rating of standard was completed in June 2009, the approval form for approval of the draft 2009-the end of the WTO website publicity. <br> <br> 2010 Jan release, 1 December took effect. <br> <br> China flat .panel TV energy efficiency labeling <br> <br> Flat panel TV energy efficiency standard status <br> <br> In the global market, in addition to China will soon implement energy efficiency standards for flat-panel TV also has four energy-saving .specification, namely the United States of the EU's EnergyStar, EuP directive, Japan and Australia for TopRunner energy-efficient labelling MEPS. <br> <br> 1, United States of EnergyStar <br> <br> <br> United States of " .Energy Star "<br> <br> ENERGYSTAR logo believe many of my friends have seen, it is the United States environmental protection agency-initiated an energy savings plan. ENERGYSTAR since 1992, is aimed at reducing energy consumption through energy-saving products to .help people save money and protect the Earth's atmosphere, in the United States and Canada on many household appliances are stuck to it. Internally it is translated as "Energy Star". <br> <br> 2 EUP directive, European Union <br> .<br> The EU environmental directive EUP is the WEEE and RoHS directives, the EU is another major barrier for energy technology - directive "energy products" eco-design of the framework directive (EUP directive). <br> <br> For the .first time, the directive will introduce a product life cycle concept design, to its source, in product design, manufacture, use, maintenance, recovery, post-processing this cycle, on energy products to the requirements of environmental protection, Omni-directional monitoring .products on the environment, reduction of environmental damage. <br> <br> 3, Japan's TopRunner <br> <br> Japan's TopRunner (leader) system is based on energy efficiency best product of the values for the basic goals of the standard values ., you must achieve the same objective standard value of the product is divided into the same class, and according to product and technological progress constantly revised standard values. According to the energy conservation law, the manufacturer must comply with the standards, or be affected warnings ., notices, orders and fines (100 million yen), and other penalties. <br> <br> 4. energy saving label MEPS Australia <br> <br> 1999 Australia implementation of the national energy efficiency labeling system. In addition, in .Australia market belongs to the energy efficiency of products in the control directory, apart from the need to add energy efficiency labeling, some products also have to meet stringent performance criteria for minimum efficiency (MEPS). <br> <br> · China flat panel .TV energy efficiency standards of the 4 major features <br> <br> Standard feature: brightness and power consumption trade-off between <br> <br> Proposed include brightness and power factors of "energy efficiency index" as the evaluation parameters, to .visually reflect the flat TV electro-optical conversion efficiency. Select the brightness parameter and the balance between power consumption, more conducive to the promotion of energy-saving technology and universal, thereby promoting a smooth flat TV industry in China, health development. <br .> <br> Standard features of different products with independent evaluation system <br> <br> Standard product range includes both the LCD and plasma flat panel TV display mode. Standard fully into LCD TV and plasma TV to their technical characteristics, the differential treatment .of two completely different technology system, in a spirit of respect for differences, the principle of fair treatment in the unified testing method, namely evaluation LCD TV and plasma TV energy efficiency index. <br> <br> Standard evaluation method of evolution: < .br> <br> Consumed power → energy efficiency (Eff) → energy efficiency index (EEI) → EEI (LCD) <br> → EEI (PPD) <br> <br> Standard feature: test prototype work state expressly provided <br .> <br> Work status of the current industry-wide application of flat-panel TV test standard SJ/T11348 the digital TV flat panel display measurements ". By adjusting the brightness and contrast, adjust the display to be accurate performance-enhanced levels of .status (and that this State is relatively unique), that is, the normal working condition. The setting and our flat-panel TV industry standards to ensure that energy efficiency test and performance test status are the same, without loss of performance on the basis .of the principle of improving energy efficiency. At the same time, the test status clearly can ensure that each of the same type of flat-panel TV product energy efficiency index is placed in an open and fair platform compared to visually reflect the product at the .level of energy-saving aspects of technology. <br> <br> Standard features four: explicitly set on the measurement status output luminance limitation <br> <br> In order to prevent the use of excessive increase brightness to enhance the energy efficiency index .of standards with the introduction of the brightness parameterNumber at the same time, explicitly set the brightness of the measurement status output, so that test status of brightness is not higher than 350cd/m2. Brightness limits can boot industry in ensuring reasonable brightness output, lower .power consumption, improve energy utilization. <br> <br> · China flat panel TV energy efficiency standards for content <br> <br> 1. terms and definitions <br> <br> 1. flat-panel TV energy efficiency index < .br> <br> The provisions of this standard measurement method, flat-panel TV energy efficiency measurement and reference value. "Energy efficiency index. <br> <br> Energy efficiency: <br> <br> This standard specifies test procedures, .flat TV screen's luminous intensity and flat-panel TV energy consumption (power-on status and signal processing power of the poor) ratio, and the candela per watt (CD / W). "Energy efficiency" physical meaning refers to the screen by up .unit solid angle of the light flux and the ratio of energy consumption, ie flat panel TV per watt electric energy is converted to normal luminous flux of efficiency. <br> <br> 2. passive standby power <br> <br> The provisions .of this standard measurement method, flat-panel TV in passive standby measured active power, expressed in Watts (W). <br> <br> 3. turn on power <br> <br> The provisions of this standard measurement method, flat .-panel TV at power-on State measure active power, expressed in Watts (W). <br> <br> 4, the minimum allowable values of flat panel TV <br> <br> The provisions of this standard measurement method, flat .-panel TV the allowed minimum efficiency index and maximum passive standby power. <br> <br> 5. evaluating values of energy conservation of flat panel TV <br> <br> The provisions of this standard method of measurement, energy-saving flat .panel TV the allowed minimum efficiency index and maximum passive standby power <br> Rate. <br> <br> Second, flat-panel TV energy efficiency ratings <br> <br> Flat panel television energy efficiency rankings level 3, one of the .highest level of energy efficiency. Energy efficiency index of all levels flat panel TV should follow GB/T8170 related provisions for rounding off two significant digits, this rounding off values should not be less than provided for in table 1. <br> <br> .<br> <br> · The minimum allowable values of flat panel TV <br> <br> Flat panel TV minimum allowable values of the required minimum efficiency index for energy efficiency rating of level 3. <br> <br> Use external power .supply of flat panel TV, external power supply used should be consistent with the minimum allowable values in GB20943. <br> <br> · Evaluating values of energy conservation of flat panel TV <br> <br> Flat panel TV evaluating values of energy .conservation for the required minimum efficiency index for the level 2 energy efficiency rating. <br> <br> Use external power supply of flat panel TV, external power supply used should be consistent with GB20943 in evaluating values of energy conservation. <br> < .br> · Flat-panel TV passive standby power limit value <br> <br> Flat panel TV passive standby power shall be measured as per GB/T8170 related provisions for rounding off two significant digits, rounding off values should correspond to the following table .. <br> <br> <br> 3. flat panel TV calculation of the energy efficiency index <br> <br> · LCD television energy efficiency index is calculated as below: <br> <br> <br> <br> .Type: <br> <br> Eff - flat-panel TV energy efficiency unit candela per watt (cd / W); <br> <br> L - the average brightness of the screen, expressed in candelas per square meter (cd / .m2); <br> <br> S-effective light-emitting screen area, in square metres (m2); <br> <br> Pk-power-power, expressed in Watts (W); <br> <br> .PS-signal processing power, expressed in Watts (W). Use the YPBPR component interface input PS from 6W; use analog RF interface input PS from 10W; use digital RF interface input, PS for 17W. <br> <br> · LCD .television energy efficiency index according to the below formula: <br> <br> <br> <br> Type: <br> <br> EEILCD-LCD television energy efficiency index, dimensionless; <br> <br> EffLCD, ref: .LCD television energy efficiency reference value, equal to 1.10cd / W. <br> <br> · Plasma TV energy efficiency indices are calculated below <br> <br> <br> <br> Type: <br> <br> EEIPDP .-plasma TV energy efficiency index, dimensionless; <br> <br> EffPDP, ref-plasma TV energy efficiency reference values, the values in the table below: <br> <br> <br> <br> Currently, consumers buy flat .-panel TV in asking energy, health, environmental protection and other aspects, a significant increase in the proportion of, energy saving and environmental protection has become flat panel TV and buy one of important indicators. China flat panel TV after the implementation of energy efficiency .standards, consumers can purchase refrigerators, air conditioning and, through the post of energy-efficiency standards can be compared easily at a glance of the purchase of high-efficiency flat panel TV. <br> <br> <br> <br> < .br> <br>.
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