Tuesday, December 21, 2010

【 Weak current College 】 control printer fresh tactics 】

In order to make better use of printer, many people are trying to come up with a lot of fresh control tactics to the freedom to control the printer according to their own requirements for personalization. Of course, I also do not, for example, the author! this prolonged use printer, has been carefully studied and re-read, summarizes some of the often used to control the printer's fresh tactics are out of their contributions and members sharing! Optimized print output speed bandwidth up to believe that many media have on how to improve the experience of the printer output speed, but carefully described to figure out, it is not difficult to find many experiences are optimized printer or the printer is on your computer's performance perspective; in fact, for shared printers, we are able to share a printer from the optimization of the network "channel" bandwidth perspective, to maximize the output of the shared printer. This is not, if installed in the LAN has a few shared printer, the shared printer by default will periodically send to local area network, some shared printer status information, and task list information, if this interval is short, the shared printer will continue to send to the local task list information and current status information, obviously it will consume less network bandwidth resources, thereby easily lead to shared printers actual print output speed slower. To do this, we need to share the printer sends status information to the interval of time to adjust to effectively conserve shared printer data transmission "channel" bandwidth resources, improve shared print output speed;     of course share the printer sends status information to interval cannot resize too large, otherwise print user is unable to know the status of the shared printer. To adjust the shared printer sends status information for the interval of time, we may wish to follow the following steps: first the shared printer and the computer on which the system desktop, click the "start" button from the pop-up menu "start" system in the implementation of the "run" command, open the local system's Run dialog box, enter the registry edit command "Regedit" and click "OK" button, open the Registry Editor window system;   Then in the edit window on the left side of the display area, use the mouse to expand the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" registry branch, then the pop-up branch following then select the registry subkey "\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print" corresponds to "Print" subkey corresponds to the right shows a region to see if exists "ServerThreadTimeout" double-byte values, if the key is not found, then we may wish to use the mouse to click the registry editing window of the "Edit" and "new" and "DWORD value" command, and will create a new DWORD value name from "ServerThreadTimeout"; Next double-click two-byte value "ServerThreadTimeout", opens as shown in Figure 1 by numerical settings window in which to enter the appropriate size of the interval, for example, enter "60000", it means that the shared printer 1-minute intervals in the future will be sent once to the local area network status information or tasks list information, Setup is finished, click "OK" button and pressing the F5 function key refresh your system registry, you can make the above setting to take effect. Using files prevent arbitrary print in multiple people sharing the same computer as Office environment, the printer will often be some axe to grind the heavier people malicious use, long before the printer is sure to become overwhelmed. In order to effectively protect the printer device, many people want to use permissions for a printer, to prevent the printer is free to use!   but so that other people can easily see that the printer has been done, so it is easy to hurt the feelings of a colleague or a friend. In order both to politely refuse to colleagues or friends, feel free to use the printer and let colleagues or friends can't see printer access permissionshave been done, we can create a file through ingenious methods for achieving the purpose of such control: for some printer models, sometimes we need to open the printer application control interface, then the corresponding interface related features command to allow the printer to start work;   now we just want to let ordinary users cannot start the application corresponds to the printer, you can prevent others to freely print purposes, here is the method of implementation steps: firstly in the printer is attached to your computer system desktop, click the "start" button, then the pop-up system "start" menu, select "programs"/"attachments"/"Windows Explorer" option, open the local system Explorer window in which to find the printer applications that install path; Then go to the printer application is located in the installation folder, and then right-click the blank area of the folder window, right from the pop-up menu select "new", "text document" command, and then create a new text document name set to "ws2_32", while the text file name extension is set to "dll"; Complete the above special files to create a task, we then try to start the printer's application, the Windows system will automatically pop-up file error, do not know the story of a colleague or a friend to see hints, positive will think this is a printer application is causing the problem, and not think of this is we crossed, in this way we achieve a polite refusal others feel free to use the printer destination! in the future, our own if we need to run the printer application, as long as the system of the Explorer window, go to the printer application install folder window, a previously created "ws2_32.dll" file deleted directly. However, there is little need to remind you that the partyMethod only on connections to Windows 2000 and above system printer, connecting to a Windows 98 system printer is invalid.
Clever use of command entry into force of the new print port, we know that the Windows systemdefault state only provides "LPT1" or "LPT2" and "LPT3" these three parallel port;     however these print port is sometimes not able to meet our needs, for example, we often need some special applications installed virtual printer, then we need more parallel port support to meet the multiple needs of the virtual printer installation. In order to obtain more print parallel port, we often open system registry editing window, expand the registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/NT Ports, and then in the "Ports" subkey following through the implementation of the "new"/"string value" command, to create "LPT4, LPT5, LPT6," "new parallel port.   When these newly created parallel port settings, also cannot be immediately effective, we also need to run the associated DOS commands to apply these new print port service starts up, the future in order to function with these new create print port. When using the DOS command enable new print port services, you can follow the following steps: first you need to create a virtual printer for the computer system of the desktop, click the "start"/"run" command to open the Run dialog box corresponds to the system, and in which to execute the string "cmd" command, the system interface automatically switch to MS-DOS work interface; Then in the DOS command line, type "net stop spooler" string command, click the Enter key, the Windows system will automatically forward the currently running spool print service is temporarily stopped off; the following and then in the DOS command line, type "net start spooler" string command, click the Enter key, the Windows system will automatically put the old and the new print parallel port activation success (as shown in Figure 2).   In future, we do not install the features a virtual printer, you can use the new parallel port. Of course, the above steps, you can only install Windows 2003 system computer. Firewalls protect shared printer stolen used when sharing a printer connected to a Windows XP system installed in your computer, we can use Windows system comes with a firewall to protect the security of access to the shared printer, but there are some levels slightly higher number of users, simply open the firewall settings window, the "file and printer sharing" function to exclude from the firewall restrictions, they often can easily through a firewall to limit the achievement of the purpose of stealing shared printing. In order to enable the firewall genuine protection shared printers use security purposes, we only need to follow these steps to set up and firewall related systems group policy, you can prevent other people randomly access the firewall settings window to exclude "file and printer sharing" function: first of all the shared printer and the computer on which the system desktop, click the "start" button, and from the pop-up menu in the "start" and "run" command, access to the local system the Run dialog box, enter "gpedit.msc" Group Policy editing commands, click Enter, open local computer group policy edit window; Second in the Group Policy editing interface of the display area on the left side, expand them with your mouse on the "computer configuration" and "Administrative Templates" and "network" and "network connections" and "standard profile" project, in the "standard profile" item on the right side of the display area of the area, double-click Windows Firewall: allow "file and printer sharing exception" option, open the Options window, select the property settings of the "disabled" and project, and then click "OK" button, so other users will not be as shown in Figure 3 the firewall settings page, optionally exclude "file and printer sharing" function, so the firewall will be able to truly realize the effective protection of the shared printer security purposes.

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