Thursday, December 23, 2010

Weak current College】 【digital multimeter new international security standard】.

<br> <br> Voltage class peak - it is difficult to avoid the risk of a <br> <br> As the electricity distribution system and load more complex, the transient over-voltage possibilities greatly increases. Motors, capacitors, power converter ., inverter, and other equipment is the most important spike source. Outdoor transmission line from lightning strike can also cause very dangerous high energy transient-voltage. If you carry out the measurement of the electric power system, this moment of high pressure is often not .visible, but it does exist, it is difficult to avoid, its potential dangers are greater. These situations even in low-voltage measurements are also often encounter, which produces instant voltage can be up to several thousand volts or higher. <br> < .br> New security standards <br> <br> To avoid moments of harm posed by high pressure, safety must be in-depth digital multimeter inside, in other words, a digital multimeter inside must have sufficient security design. IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission .e-) specially designed for testing instrument defines a new set of international safety standards. Previously, in a long time tradition of industry-standard is IEC348. Now this standard has been replaced by IECl010. According to the standard design of digital IECl010 tables its .security indicators than by many IEC348 high. <br> <br> Principle <br> <br> If you are considering updating your digital multimeter, then buy before may wish to take a few minutes to examine the use environment at worst. See which .kind of pressure the standard can meet your needs. In the selection process, first choose the EOS standard, and then in the same pressure standard selection pressure indicators. Don't forget to test the table amount, IECl010 also apply to test table, test .table pen pressure indicators cannot be lower than digital multimeter, if only because the table amount and make the whole design of overvoltage protection falls, it will be a Pyrrhic. <br> <br> Understanding what is rated voltage safety <br> <br .> IEC1010 testing process consists of three main factors: a stable voltage is possible, for peak pressure source impedance, these three factors considered concluded multimeter real rated voltage safety value. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> UL ., CSA, TUV, VDE certification mean? <br> <br> When you see the UL, CSA, TUV, symbols or read "design meet to ..." this kind of words, often think of independent testing agencies. Of course ., the actual independent testing is instrument design engineer of wishful thinking. <br> <br> How do you prove the design of the multimeter meet three class or second class security standards? may not go through independent testing body test but the manufacturer's own verification .of its products meet two or three types of indicators. IEC Committee merely develops and recommends its standard, but not enforced. Only when a product has been tested and found to fully meet an independent certification authorities criteria, can such as UL, CSA, TUV ., verify that the institutions subject to the instrument of the emblem. If these signs, in cohabitation of instrument market is, not the best, but it may be the most direct method of identification..

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