Thursday, December 23, 2010

Weak current College】 【electronic industry in bilingual (15)】.

Q charge symbol
Q quality factor
Q factor
Quad quads, four core wire
Quad-8 quadraphonic
Quadradisk quadraphonic recording
Quadraphony four channel stereo
Quality quality, acoustics, sound
Quantization quantization
Quantity quantity, amount
Quarter quarter, quart
Quartzcrystal quartz crystal
Quick fast, prompt
Quiet quiet, smooth
R resistance symbols
Rack racks
Rackearth chassis grounding
Racketymusic noisy music
Radiate radiation, radio
Radiator radiators
Radio Radio, RF
Radiofrequency transmitting frequency, RF
Radiomicrophone wireless microphone
RRAM random access memory
Random random, messy
Randomnoise random noise
Range range, distance, boundary
Rapid fast
Rate ratios, rates
Ratedoutput rated output
Rating scale, nominal value, ratings
The ratio, the ratio ratio
Rawtape blank tapes and tape
RC RC, resistor coupling
RCcircuitrcirci RC-circuit
RCfilterRC filter
RCnetworkRC network
RCA United States radio company
RCARCA interface, Lotus Connections
Read read, readout
Realtime live
Real-timespectrumanalyzer real-time Spectrum Analyzer
Back, back, rear
REC record, sound recording, video
Rrecall back to cable, retrieval
Receive receive
Receiver receiving unit, receiver
Rechargeable rechargeable
Receptacle plug hole
Recordamplifier audio amplifier
Recordchanger (player) automatic advance unit
Recordcompensator recording Compensator
Recordhead record heads, sound recording, video head
Recordplayer player
Recordedtape has recorded tape, tape
Recorder recorders, tape recorders, video recorders
Recordingandplaybackequipment recording sound reproduction equipment
Recordinglevel recording level
Recordingnoise audio noise
Recordingcamera optical recording cars (machine)
Recordingcar recording cars
Recoverytime recovery time
Rectification Rectifier
Rectifier rectifier, geophone
Reduce reduce, reduce
Reed Reed (flute) datum points
Referencenote benchmark codes
Referencetape Datum tape
Reflection reflex
Reflexbaffle acoustic baffle
Refraction refractive
Register register, tempo
Regular formal, rules of
Regulatedpowersupply stable power supply
Rejecter notch filter
Relative relative
Relativepower relative power
Relay relay
Release the release, circuit breaker
Remain remaining, maintain
Remanence magnetism
The remote remote
Remotecontrol remote control
REP-repeat, repeat, replay
Replay playback
Reproduce replay, reproduction
Re-recording transcription, mixed record
Reset reset, resettable, resetting
Residual allowance, residual, residue
Residualfield residual magnetic field
Residualflux residual flux
Residualfluxdensity residual magnetic flux density
Resistance resistors, impedance
Resistance-capacitance-coupling resistor coupling
Resistancedrop resistance pressure drop
Resistancenoise resistor noise
Resistancepad resistive attenuator
Resistiveload resistive load
Resolution resolution, sharpness
Resonance resonance, resonance
resonancecurVe resonance curve
Resonantcircuit resonant circuit
Response response, reply, frequency response curve
Restore regeneration, rehabilitation, and then deposit
Return return
REV reverb, ECHO turn mixed
Reverberationtime reverberation time
Reverberator reverberator
Revasal reverse, reversal, change polarity
Reverse reverse (tape)
Review hearing rewind
Revolutioncounder turns tables
Rewind Rewind, rewind
RF radio frequency
Rhythm rhythm (musical term)
RIAA recording industry association of United States
RIAAcurve United States record Association curve
Ribbonmicrophone aluminum with microphone
Riflemicrophone gun microphone, strong directional microphone
Right-right, right, vertical, appropriate
Right (orleft) stereophonicchannel left (right) stereo channel
Ring round, ring, ring
Ripplecurrent ripple current
Ripplefrequency ripple frequency
Ripplevoltage ripple voltage
Risetime rise time, part time, growth
Rmsvalue RMS, RMS
Rock (repeatedly) Regulation
Rock Rock and roll, rock and roll sound effects
Rolloff frequency response down, rolling down
Rpm revolutions per minute
Rps speed/sec
Rotary rotation
Rough rough, rough, approximate
RT60 attenuation 60 decibels, the reverberation time
Rumble of Thunder vibration
Run run, turn the
RZ resettable

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