Tuesday, December 21, 2010

【 Weak current College 】 protel PCB design commonly used vocabulary (2) 】

Category name part name part name commonly used numbering package package description
Resistance RES1/RES2RAXIAL0.3-AXIAL1.0 number pad spacing
Variable resistor RES3/RES4
Potentiometer POT1 or PIN POT2VR1VR5 digit shapes
Inductive resistance packaging replaces INDUCTORLAXIAL0.3
Promise of capacitor capacitance CAPCRAD0.1-RAD0.4 digital representation
Electrolytic Capacitor CAPACITORPOLRB.2/.4 or RB.3/.6 or RB.4/.8 or
RB.5/1.0 or slash before the number pad spacing, slash after digital sheet capacitance of the external diameter.
A polar capacitors ELECTRO1 or ELECTRO2
General diodes DIODEDDIODE0.4 or DIODE0.7 number pad spacing
Light emitting diode, LED
PHOTO photoelectric tube
Manifold (with amplifier) 8031/UA555/LM324 etc UDIPx (x is an even number, x = 4-64) x represents the number of manifold block pin amplifier, NAND often packaged as DIP14
NAND 74LS04/OR/AND etc.
Transistor NPN or PNP or NPN1 or PNP1QTO series TO-92A or TO-92B or TO-3 or TO-18 or TO-220TO-92A PIN is the triangle, TO-92B pin straight shape.
Unijunction transistor SCRQTO46
Bridge (bridge rectifier) BRIDGEDFLY-4 or FLY44 represents PIN number
Battery BATTERYBTD series D-37 or D-38
Connector CON? JSIPxx represents the number of manifold block pin
16/20/26/34/40/50PINRPIDCxx represents the number of manifold block pin
4-pin connector 4HEADER or HEADER4JPPOWER4 or FLY4
DB connector DB9 or DB25 DB15 or DB37JDB-x/Mx for or 9, 15, 25, 37

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