Thursday, December 23, 2010

Weak current College】 【solid state relay for classification and naming】.

<br> Solid state relays as it applies to the type of the output load power supply is divided into direct current solid state relay and AC solid state relay, switch types are divided into single, double, three-phase, the work is divided into .zero-controlled and randomized controlled, according to the output device is divided into ordinary and enhanced, press control voltage type into DC and AC control, by purpose is divided into common-and special-purpose. At the same time, according to the level .of voltage, load current size into a lot of variety: <br> <br> 1. control voltage range: the ambient temperatures, cannot use solid state relay function applied to the input voltage range. Resistive input-input voltage range is generally 4 .-16V, constant current-input voltage range is 3-32V. <br> <br> 2, input current: the ambient temperatures, a particular input voltage, flows into the solid state relay input circuit current value. <br> <br .> 3, open voltage: guarantee always solid state relays output circuit is switched on, the voltage at the input end of the minimum values. Similar to the action of electromagnetic relay voltage Max. This value is generally solid state relay input voltage range of the .lower bound value. The input voltage or imposed that is larger than the voltage, the solid state relay that is switched on. <br> <br> 4, turn-off voltage: guarantee always solid state relays output circuit turn-off imposed in .input voltage of the highest value. Similar to electromagnetic relay release voltage min. The input voltage or imposed that is lower than the voltage values, solid state relays ensuring turn-off. <br> <br> 5. reverse voltage: ability to add .in the solid state relay inputs but do not cause permanent damage to the maximum allowable reverse voltage. This value is generally identified as input voltage range of limit values. <br> <br> 6, load current range: the environmental temperature, solid state .relays allowed maximum steady state load current value. Nominal value in General, when the ambient temperature rises, such as greater than 40 ° c, maximum output current decline. It also stipulates the minimum load current, generally 50mA. <br> <br> .7, load voltage range: the environmental temperature, solid state relays can withstand a maximum steady state load voltage. General should also provide that solid state relay function is switched on and off the minimum output voltage. <br> <br> 8. blocking .voltage: the ambient temperatures, in off-state of solid state relay output can afford not to be the maximum instantaneous Breakdown voltage. <br> <br> 9, frequency range: at rated operating conditions, the solid state relay working power supply frequency .range. <br> <br> 10, off-state voltage rise rate (dv / dt): the environmental temperature, solid state relays in off-State, its output can withstand the maximum voltage rise rate. <br> <br> .11, off-state leakage current: at a temperature of the environment, solid state relays in off-State, output when the rated output voltage, electric current flows through the load (valid) values. <br> <br> 12, on .-State voltage drop: the environmental temperature, solid state relay is connected, in operating current, output side pressure drop between. <br> <br> 13, open time: when you make normal open-relay is switched on, from input voltage .to ensure that the voltage is switched on, the input voltage changes eventually reached the 90% of the time interval between so far. <br> <br> 14, turn-off time: when the normally open relay off when input voltage from resection .to guarantee turn-off voltage to voltage output reached its final change up the interval of time between. <br> <br> 15, thermal resistance (Rthjc): heat balance, solid-state relay chip and substrate temperature difference between the substrate and .the resulting temperature dissipation power ratio. <br> <br> 16, surge current: solid state relay can withstand the pulse width is 50/60Hz, 1 cycle (20/16.67ms) distinct streams rush current impulse. <br> <br .> 17, insulation voltage (input / output): solid-state relay between the input and output isolation which can withstand voltage min. <br> <br> 18, insulation voltage (input, output / substrate): solid state relay inputs, .outputs, and between the end of the substrate can withstand isolation voltage min. <br> <br> 19, a few technical terms explained: 1 "random control" when the input signal is exert effective control, the SSR as "immediate breakover, .randomized controlled "type. 2 the" zero "or" lingyacha "when the input signal is exert effective control, the SSR can only be used in its output voltage difference between the endpoint near zero shidaotong, called" zero "or" lingyacha "type .. This type of SSR current is small, the majority of occasions. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>.

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