Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Weak current College】 【electronic industry in bilingual (6)】.

<br> <br> F filament, fuses, Fahrenheit, Farah symbol <br> Face screen, Panel, surface <br> Factor coefficient <br> Fade color, gradient, fading, gradually fade or crescendo <br> Factorofnonlineardistortion nonlinear distortion factor .<br> Factorofreverberation reverb coefficient <br> Fader controller <br> Faintvoice faint voice <br> Fall down, drop <br> Falseimage illusion <br> Falsetto fake falsetto tone, <br> Farad Farah <br> Fast fast <br> .Fastforward quickly into the belt <br> Fastrewind fast rewind <br> Fault fault <br> FB-feedback <br> Feed feed, conveying <br> Feedback-feedback-feedback <br> Feedreel for cartridge <br> Female yin, female ., female thread, the concave <br> Femalecontact socket connector, female <br> Ferricoxide ferric oxide <br> Field-effect transistor FET <br> Fidelity fidelity and fidelity <br> Field-field, half-frames, regional, and information .group <br> Figure-eightmicrophone ∞ Word characteristics of the microphone <br> File file <br> Film film <br> Filmfan fans <br> Filmgraph film music <br> Filmnoise film noise <br> Filmsoundrecording movie recording, movie recording < .br> Filter filter <br> Filterattenuation filter attenuation <br> Final last, last stage <br> Fine fine, fine <br> Fines granularity <br> First, first, first <br> Firstgenerationtape original tapes, the first generation of tape .<br> Firstharmonic pitch, a harmonic <br> Fishpole suspenders <br> Fit, anastomosis <br> Fix fixed, installation, repair, tuning <br> Fixed fixed <br> Flange flange (tray), flange, chrome <br> .Flash Flash <br> Flat flat, plane, music on flat <br> Flatfrequencyresponse flat frequency response <br> Flatresponse flat response <br> Fletcher-Munsoncurves Fletcher-mount Sen curve, etc response curve <br> Flip-flop trigger circuit, .triggers <br> Flipovercartridge double needle changtou <br> Float floating <br> Floating is not grounded, floating <br> Floppydisk floppy disk, floppy disk <br> Floorreflection floor reflection <br> Flow, process flow <br> Flute flutes, .electronic musical instrument of flute tone <br> Flutter jitter, offset <br> Flutterecho reflectance pulse, fibrillation echo <br> Flutter & wow flutter degrees <br> Fluxdensity magnetic flux density <br> FM frequency modulation, frequency modulation <br> .FMstereophonicbroadcast FM stereo radio <br> Focus focus, focus <br> Foldback back to send system, monitoring system <br> Foldedhorn folding Horn (speakers) <br> Foot feet <br> The length or size counter footagecounter <br> Footcontrol foot .switch (control) <br> Force force, force <br> Formant formant <br> Formantfilter formant filter <br> Format format, format <br> Forte strong (musical term) <br> Fortissimo strong <br> Fortefortissimo strongest <br .> Forwardbias to the bias <br> Quadraphonic sound four-channelsound <br> Frame TV frames, film painting cell <br> Fps ft / sec <br> Freefield automatic sound field <br> Freeze freezing or solidification, the sound suddenly stopped < .br> Frenchhorn Horn, France, <br> Frequency frequency <br> Frequencyband band <br> Frequencyconversion frequency converter <br> Frequencycorrection frequency correction <br> Frequencydistortion frequency distortion <br> Frequency modulation, frequency modulation requencymodulation <br> Frequencymodulationbroadcastband FM radio .band <br> Frequencyrange band <br> Frequencyresponse frequency response <br> Frequencyspectrum spectrum <br> Frequency-wavelengthrelation frequency wavelength relationship <br> fringeeffeCt edge effect <br> Front facing, front <br> Full moon; full <br> Full .-trackrecording full sound track recording, all-channel recording <br> Function function, role, functions <br> Functionkeys function keys <br> Fundamental pitch, radical wave <br> Fundamentalcomponent base frequency component <br> Fundamentalfrequency base frequency, radical wave .<br> The basic harmonic fundamentalharmonic <br> Fundamentaltone pitch <br> Fuse fuse and fuse <br> Fusehilder fuse block <br> Fuzz-noise <br> FX effect <br> <br>.

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