Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Weak current College】 【SAN special terminology details (6)】.

PSU power supply

Publicdevice (public equipment): support for loops, are able to log on to the schema of the device.

Publicloop (public loop): connect to a schema in a arbitrated loop.

Publicloopdevice (public loop device): a support framework login and services arbitrated loop device.

PublicNL_Port (public NL_Port port): both and loop other port communications, to FL_Port port and schema N_Port port communication NL_Port port.

Qlogic (public NL_Port port): both and loop other port communications, to FL_Port port and schema N_Port port communication NL_Port port.

QoS (quality of service)

Queue (queue): in the frames sent to loop, before each arbitrated loop collect physical address of the frame.

QuickLoop (fast loop): Brocade's a software product that allows a switch multiport form a logical private loop directly connected to the (PLDA).

RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks): the server can be treated as a single volume of a group of disks, disk mirroring, or parity technologies have fault tolerance.

R_A_TOV (resource allocation timeout): timeout action, refers to a frame in the schema, the maximum allowable retention time.

Receiver (receiver): signal detection and handling equipment.

Redundancy (redundant): maintain multiple parts of the same features for high availability.

Remoteswitch (remote switch): a computer network technology gateway across an ATM network of optional equipment.

Repeater (Repeater): adoption of the recovered clock regeneration and transfer the outgoing signal device.

Responder (Repeater): adoption of the recovered clock regeneration and transfer the outgoing signal device.

Retimer (timer): use a separate clock signal equipment outside.

Route (route): two switch between an access road.

R_RDY (subject ready): a primitive signal, which indicates that the receiver is ready to receive data.

RSCN (status change notification): switch has a feature that is responsible for in the schema itself or its internal state changes, notify the registered node.

R_T_TOV (transceiver side timeout value): the receiver uses this value to detect whether the receiving party synchronization lost.

RX_ID (the answering party connection identifier): frame header a two byte field, the answering party to use its value to indicate the frame belongs.

S_ID (source ID): frame header a three-byte field that frame the address identifier for the send port.

SAN (storage area network): fibre will computing devices and disk or tape array connected to a network, used for storage purposes.

SCR (state changes registered): use this command to register the device can receive RSCN notifications.

SCSI (small computer system interface): a parallel bus infrastructures are extremely protocol that is used in 15-25 metres distance transfer large data blocks.

SCSI-2 bus structure later.

SCSI-3 for serial line of SCSI bus standards.

SEQ_ID (sequence identifier): frame header of a single-byte field. Connection of the answering party uses its value identifies the frame belongs.

Sequence (frame sequence) from one port to another N_Port N_Port port sent a group of related frame.

Sequenceinitiator (sequence initiator): to generate and send a new sequence of N_Port port.

Sequencerecipient (serial receiver): the purpose of a specific sequence N_Port port.

SERDES (serial and parallel conversion circuit): the serial bit stream into parallel characters and vice versa of circuit.

Serial (serial): in a single line order data bit transport.

Server (server): a central computer: handling Terminal user request or run the application.

SES (SCSI interface independent equipment service): SCSI protocol a subset of the set, used to monitor the temperature of the independent device, power supply and fan status.

SilkWormBrocade company series switch brand.

Singlemode (SMF): a optical fibre specification that allows the transmission distance between devices up to 10 km/h.

SLinkservice (sLink): located in the schema and a N_Port port or between ports of the two N_Port, used to log on sequence/transport management and maintenance of the connected device.

SMI (management information structure): one is used to set or get the simple network management protocol (SNMP) management variable symbol structure.

SNMP (simple network management protocol): TCP/IP protocol group, a protocol for TCP/IP networksCollateral management, use of acting and workstation management.

SNS (simple name server/service): the schema Server provides a service that is used to store schema related object's name, address, and properties. Information can be used in high-speed buffer reserved for 15 minutes. Also called a directory service.

SOF (frame start): a set of fixed bits to identify the frame start and service levels.

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