Monday, January 3, 2011

【 Weak current College 】 MCU c language tutorial---appendices I, II, III 】

Appendix a keyword in the keywords C51 uses description auto storage species descriptions to account for local variables, the default value break for this program statements to exit innermost loop case program Switch statement in the statement char selects an item description data type single-byte integer or const char * data storage type descriptions during program execution cannot be changed constant values continue program statements to the next default iteration program Switch statement in the statement failed choices do program statements constitute do. .. While double loop structure description data type to a double-precision floating else points program statements constituted if … The structure else select enum data enum type explanation extern description stored types in other modules are described in of global variable flost description data type to a single-precision for floating-point program statements constitute for goto loop structure program statements constitute goto transfer structure if program statements constituted if … The structure else select int data type description basic long integer description data type long integer register storage species descriptions use CPU internal storage return of variablep> program statements function returns the short data type description short signed integer description data type signed number, binary data of the MSB as sign bit operator sizeof calculation expressions or data types of static bytes storage static type description struct variable data types description structures swicth type data program statements constitute switch selection structure typedef data type description for the data union type definition data type describes the data Union type unsigned description data type unsigned void data description data type without a type volatile data description data type of the variable in the program execution can be implicitly change while program statements constitute while and do. .. While loop structure Schedule 1-1 ANSIC standard keyword
Keywords uses description bit statement -scalar declares a bit scalar or bit type sbit of function bit scalar statement declares a variable bit addressing Sfr special function register DeclarationDeclare a special function register Sfr16 special function register statement declared a 16-bit special function register data memory type descriptions directly addressed by the internal bdata data memory storage type description can be bit addressing internal idata data memory > storage type description of internal indirection pdata data memory memory page description of the type of external data memory addressability xdata description memory type external data memory code storage type description interrupt program memory description interrupt functions to define a reentrant interrupt functions reentry function description defines a function reentry using register set definition defines the chip schedule working registers 1-2 extended keyword C51 compiler
Appendix 2-list of special function register AT89C51 (applies to the same schema chip) symbol address comments * E0H ACC accumulator * F0H B * multiply registers D0H PSW program status word SP 81H DPL the stack pointer 82H data memory pointer low 8-bit DPH 83H data memory pointer high * 8-bit A8H IE interrupt * allowed controller D8H IP interrupt priority controller * 80H P0 port * 0 90H P1 port * 1 A0H P2 port * 2 B0H P3 port PCON 3 87H power control and * baud rate selection 98H SCON serial port controller SBUF 99H serial data buffer * 88H TCON TMOD timer control 89H timer TL0 means 8AH timer 0low TL1 8-bit 8BH timer 1 low TH0 8-bit 8CH timer 0 low TH1 8-bit 8DH timer 1 high 8 bits * special function register can be bit addressing register Appendix III operator precedence and level combination of category name operator combination of 1 cast , arrays, structures, combined type cast () subscript right-associative [] access structure or -Union Member or >. 2 logic logical not! 左结合字 位按位取反~增 量加一++减 量减一--指 针取地址&取内容*算 术单目减-长度计算长度计算sizeof3算 术*右结合/取模%4算术和指针运算+-5字 位左移<<右移>>6关系大于等于>=大于>小于等于<=小于<7恒等于==不等于!=8字 位按位与&9按位异或^10按位或| 11逻 辑逻辑与&&p>左结合12逻辑或|| 13条 件条件运算?:14赋 值赋值=复合赋值Op=15逗 号逗号运算,右结合

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